A list of South African organisations who contribute to open-source

Organisation Source Careers
Aerobotics GitHub Careers
Code College GitHub
Entelect GitHub Careers
Code for Africa GitHub Careers
Flanksource GitHub Careers
Health Information Systems Programme GitHub Careers
Invictus Capital GitHub Careers
Lumkani GitHub Careers
Luno GitHub Careers
MEST GitHub Careers
Netcash GitHub
OpenUp GitHub Careers
Praekelt (.com) GitHub Careers
Praekelt (.org) GitHub Careers
SKA Africa GitHub, GitLab Careers
South African Environmental Observation Network GitHub Careers
South African National Biodiversity Institute GitHub Careers
Stone Three GitHub
Superbalist GitHub Careers
Thinkst GitHub
UCT - HIV Diversity Group GitHub, Bitbucket
Vulekamali GitHub

Want to contribute?

The easist way is to edit in browser.

See gif with instructions below.

  1. Navigate to https://github.com/dnk8n/dnk8ndev/blob/master/site/content/posts/open-source-sa.md
  2. Click on the pencil on the right to edit page
  3. In view option, select No wrap under Line wrap mode (3rd dropdown from left to right)
  4. Edit accordingly
  5. Propose file change within browser (select create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request and it automagically creates a fork and PR on your behalf)
  6. Create PR with just enough relevant information
  7. Once PR is reviewed and merged, changes will be visible on this page


  1. Fork repo, https://github.com/dnk8n/dnk8ndev
  2. Clone fork onto dev machine
  3. Edit file located at site/content/posts/open-source-sa.md
  4. Push changes to branch
  5. Create Pull Request (PR) of forked repo’s branch to original repo’s master (include just enough relevant information)
  6. Once PR is reviewed and merged, changes will be visible on this page

Additional contribution guidelines

  1. Add new organisation in alphabetical order
  2. Specify https:// instead of http://
  3. Omit trailing slashes (/)